Electronic Art Net

پنل Outdoor TIS

وضوح بالای صدا و تصویر

قابلیت اینرکام (ارتباط  صوتی و تصویری بین طبقات)

تحت شبکه  bus

اجرای سناریو


2.1 Video Intercom
Villa outdoor unit can call and have video intercom with indoor unit.
2.2 Unlock
Villa outdoor unit can unlock by ID card, or release the local door lock by receiving
remote unlock signal from indoor unit.
2.3 Monitor
Villa outdoor unit can receive the monitoring signal from indoor unit or from
management center. Then it will activate the camera and send the video image
signals to indoor unit or management center.
2.4 Auto-upgrade Software
After the device terminal is connected to management center, the device terminal
will automatically detects the latest version of software and then run the upgrade


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